Solar Security Cameras

Created By : 25-May-2017 Write By: AnonymousFox_vdw Published In: Solar Security Cameras Hits: 1856 Comment: 0

Reasons Why You Should Use Solar Powered Surveillance

Keeping your home or any other site secure from intruders require investment in right technologies. Choosing from a slew of solar powered security cameras, wireless cameras or regular cameras, can go a long way in protecting you and your property. But why solar?

It also works as an additional tool to help your support security staff do their jobs better. In some cases, these tools work even better than your security personnel in detecting intrusion.

As the need for security devices has increased manifolds over the years, the world of surveillance systems has witnessed a paradigm shift and come up with sophisticated solutions. The newest addition to their family is the solar powered security camera that takes its power from the sun.

Here are some reasons why you should consider solar powered surveillance units if you are looking to enhance your home security.

  • A solar powered camera for your property will not only save you time but also money as it requires very little installation expense. You do not need extensive cabling to setup the camera, which is a huge saving. Quick and effortless installation means that your house will have the needed protection in no time.
  • Surveillance video cameras fueled by solar energy do not require you to be connected with the power lines. This means that you can install protection even in the remotest location of your property where power is a challenge. You are not only protecting every inch and corner of your house, but also do so in an environment friendly way. Solar power is self renewing and can offer uninterrupted protection 24-hours a day, without being dependent on the power grid.
  • Solar powered cameras can be installed anywhere, in any location. The only caveat to this functionality is that the camera should be exposed to direct sunlight and should not be hidden behind a building or a heavy shade of tree. These systems are especially handy for homes that are located in secluded corners of the city.
  • Since these devices are powered by the renewable power of sun, they do not need cables or any other form of intricate systems for their functioning. They can also be installed without any existing or running cables.
  • Conventional video systems can be tricky in certain locations. However, solar powered cameras need no pre-installed infrastructure and can preserve as well as secure all kinds of area, without causing any environmental damage.
  • Excess sunlight is stored in the battery backup system, allowing round-the-clock protection to your premises, day and night.

Using solar powered surveillance systems is increasingly gaining traction due to its cost effectiveness and ease of use.

Remote Access for Security System

Created By : 25-May-2017 Write By: AnonymousFox_vdw Published In: Retail Security Hits: 1823 Comment: 0

Security is about peace of mind for your business and home but in order to achieve that it is important to have the right system installed having the top level of technology. There are several different camera types and system setups to choose from which is why partnering with the experts can help clarify the differences and provide cost estimates for packages.

The most critical step in the process is to research the available technology and talk to resources that are familiar with the industry. The IP surveillance camera system is an excellent tool that can be used with the various camera options, DVR recorder and interconnected network. The benefit to this system above others is that it can be controlled onsite or remotely including camera re-positioning which puts the owner in control of what images are captured.

It works with any size setup so that both small businesses, residences and large corporations all receive the same level of security coverage. Purchase surveillance camera system packages that include all the necessary hardware and accessories to get hooked up and ready to go for live transmission. The IP characteristic offers the flexibility of making adjustments if you decide that a camera is not correctly focused or positioned and you don’t even have to be on site to make it happen.

If you need something more than what the standard package offers then speak with a customer representative about upgrades and additions. The goal is to provide the right size system for your needs while staying within your budget. Ordering online will make for a convenient way to receive all the equipment straight to your door with the potential of free shipping, lifetime tech support and competitive pricing.

You can have great locks on the doors, a perimeter fence to keep unwanted personnel out and other security measures but these don’t help if someone breaks in and you need evidence to help bring them to justice. The IP surveillance camera system is a setup that can cover all the gaps and give you round the clock coverage that you can monitor from wherever you are and multiple devices connected to the network.

CCTV Security Camera Cables

Created By : 25-May-2017 Write By: AnonymousFox_vdw Published In: CCTV News Hits: 1479 Comment: 0

A CCTV camera cable is an important part of the security camera. There are many different types of cords and cables that you will need to install a camera properly. It is very important to use the right cords.

This will get you the best picture quality and ensure that all your equipment is functioning properly. Don’t cut corners on cables because your surveillance could suffer for it. You might think that your camera is malfunctioning when what is really going on is that your camera cords are failing.

Another important part of buying CCTV camera cables  is getting a good quality product. There are cheap cables that anyone can buy for discounted prices online, however, you get what you pay for. Not all cables are created equal. You will want the best quality for your cameras, especially if you are using surveillance cameras to protect your home or store. Don’t buy cheap knock-off camera cables.
Make sure that you are getting good quality cables with copper wiring, wrapped properly for safety, and UL certified. These are important qualities that a cable should have to be safe and functional.

Before you buy a CCTV camera cable, measure for the length that you need. Nothing could be worse than getting your camera installed and then finding out that the cable is too short. You want plenty of room for the cable to run without causing a tripping hazard or being pulled too taut. You need the cable to be flexible and have room to move so that it can be safely tucked away behind walls or ceiling panels. Don’t cut corners by purchasing a cable that is too short or just barely long enough. Go for the longer one from the beginning.

There are many reasons to need to buy a CCTV camera cable but no matter why you need it, be sure to buy the good one. A camera cable should be safety rated, made of good quality material, and be used for its intended purpose. Buying the right equipment for the job, ensures safety and security for your home or business. If you are taking the time to buy security equipment do the same with cords and cables.

Passing the benefit of our experience on to our customers

Created By : 11-May-2017 Write By: AnonymousFox_vdw Published In: Solar Security Cameras Hits: 1548 Comment: 0

When it comes to designing the Perfect Security Solution, our design engineers, at Grandeye share a common quest, the search for the surprising innovation, the path breaking step forward, the out of box answer, that is the Perfect Security Solution.

We provide state-of-the-art security solutions to various industry verticals. Our Customers have the freedom to pick and choose combination of products and technologies, customized to their particular needs and of course this is all backed by our video surveillance specialists, who are ever willing to lend their domain knowledge to them.

We Design Security Solutions for Various Industry.

We have been spending quality effort in Research & Development to design high-quality surveillance products with latest technology trends. Reliability, Cost and Quality are the success tools for our success and keeping that in mind with ease of system integration we keep rolling out new products every year.

Grandeye has a range of high quality security systems which are installed in some of the most prominent locations around the globe.

As the Security industry progresses into the digital age, Grandeye continues to stay ahead of the industry by using the state-of-the-art technology to provide high quality, yet affordable CCTV products.